Blankets, Wool Blankets

Over the years we have sold thousands and thousands of the things.

However, times have changed.

Daft diarrrrhea duvets took over the world, so blanket supplies have dwindled. Quickly.

I remember one of our stock BUILDINGS being full to the bringle with lovely woolliness.

We started to say they would run out around 5 to 8 years ago.

And they very nearly have. Stocks are extremely low.

I remember a ‘customer’ trying to ‘knock me down’ on our final 5 Dutch P+ (aka The Beast) Blankets @ £17.95 each for our 'Kev hand-picked super grades’ – how much are they worth NOW?

Check out our full range here

Nuff said….

All the best folks….

Kev (says! :o)"

  • Feb 25, 2021
  • Category: Kev Says
  • Comments: 0
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