Now, this is interesting….
Our exceptionally good friend Neil from Greencraft has been a quality customer with mister E for several decades.
Neil popped into our Exeter store one Saturday and purchased some bits and pieces, including a couple of our German PK’s & some arctic sox - along with some other kit :o)
Neil left the store a happy chappy and that, so we thought, was that.
But NO!
Neil dropped a line a couple of days ago and said he had done something “interesting”!
Having been in the trade for 30+ years and the business – ENDICOTTS - established another 50 on top of that, I can name you, quite quickly, 10 A.S stores which have vanished from our streets in the last 5 years - in fact, we have purchased the stock from 3 of these defunct business's!
There are many, many reasons for this: the very nature of ‘change’, difficulty in obtaining the (then) taken-for-granted-back-in-the 80’s-surplus-stock-items, the internet, overheads, wrong ‘niche’ and on, and on, and on….
So, with Neil’s permission, here is a fantastic little vid with his take on what he ‘sees’….
Well, here you go (as Neil says) “Save Our Surplus”!
P.S A personal note to Neil from all at EndyZ:
Absolutely fantastic Neil, great vibe, some great ‘tongue-in-cheek’ one-liners, and I am sure from this, you are going to be a superstar (if you aren’t already)!!
Hollywood awaits….